Quantum Start

Success in the First 90 Days

Success in the First
90 Days
Nearly half of all senior outside hires
fail within the first 18 months.

Nearly half of all senior outside hires fail within the first 18 months.

In this 13-week, once-a-week email program: 

Congratulations on your new role! Stepping into a new position is exciting, but it can also feel super vulnerable and challenging. 

Whether you’re stepping into a leadership position for the first time or you’re a seasoned executive; whether you are new to the organization, or “inboarding” to a new role in your existing organization, navigating the first 90 days well is critical to your long-term success.

Did you know that nearly half of senior outside hires fail within 18 months?

I don’t want you to be part of that statistic!

So that’s what this Quantum Start program is about. It’s here to help you avoid the traps, and nail the “trampolines”.

You’ve worked hard to earn this opportunity, but now the pressure is on: high expectations to meet, new relationships to develop, and a new company or team culture to learn. You’re being watched, and not just for how well you do the job—but for who you are really, how well you fit in, and how you connect and relate to others.

You’ve probably navigated job changes before, and may be feeling confident. Awesome. 

But can I just hint at the number one pitfall research has found…? Over-confidence. 

And the number one success factor? Social integration (also called “organizational socialization” in the research world.)

Maybe you’re ready to, or have been told to, just “jump in” and figure it out as you go. Sure, that can work. But there’s a more strategic, supportive way to set yourself up for success—right from the start.

And while your organization will almost certainly have at least some kind of onboarding process that addresses HR, legal and basic requirements, it is unlikely to have a strategic process that maximizes your success around the other two critical factors to successful onboarding: culture and connection

Because the truth is, success in a new role hinges on more than just doing the job well—it’s about developing, and quickly mastering,  new relationships, cultural awareness, and making a stellar first impression.

The Quantum Start program provides you with a proactive roadmap to guide you through those  vital elements in the crucial first 90 days.

I’ve been in your shoes, made the mistakes, and learned the hard way. The strategies I share in Quantum Start come from years of experience, from the research, and from experts and those wiser than me.

My goal is simple: to help you avoid the common pitfalls and start strong.

It’s for New Hires/New to Role AND their manager alike. Or better yet: the whole team!

This program isn’t just for new hires—managers benefit from it too. In fact, I encourage managers to go through it with their new hires.


Because onboarding is a team effort. Doing it together ensures shared understanding, smoother collaboration, and a stronger working relationship from the beginning.

And when a team does it together? 

Now that’s magic.

In Quantum Start, you’ll get:
Anyone transitioning into a new role—whether you’re a senior executive or a first-time manager. It’s also for your manager to do along with you, to ensure success from both sides. Your team is welcome to do it too!
The program spans 13 weeks, with one strategic guidance email sent each week on Thursdays.

Absolutely! Both you and your manager will have unlimited email access to ask questions and get advice from me throughout the program.

About 5-10 minutes to read the weekly email. And to truly take the actionable steps? That depends on how much time you want to give it. If all you do is read the weekly emails you will already be well ahead of the pack. But the true magic, of course, happens, when you take the action for the week.
Yes! The principles and strategies apply across the board.

Organization’s onboarding programs tend to fall into one of three tiers:


  • Passive: This is focused on compliance. Culture and connection is not addressed and the new employee is left to fend for themselves. Onboarding is functionally a checklist of unrelated tasks, that aren’t sequenced and connected to maximize onboarding success. This type of onboarding is functional, but it’s neither systematic nor strategic.
  • High Potential: Onboarding processes go beyond simple compliance and clarification and include some kind of onboarding processes around culture and connection. However the process is not fully optimized to maximize and accelerate success.
  • Proactive Onboarding: The organization has a systematic and strategic onboarding approach that supports employees at all levels to “excelerate” their time to being net-positive contributors to the organization’s mission and success.

Quantum Start is designed to help fill in the missing pieces if your organization’s onboarding approach falls into either of the first two categories, and to supplement and enhance proactive onboarding. It focuses on what really matters: building relationships, understanding culture, and achieving early wins—key factors that go beyond basic onboarding.

Totally fair question! For less than the cost of a single executive coaching session, or a leadership course, Quantum Start offers you 13 weeks of expert guidance and support.

Investing in your success now pays dividends in the form of stronger relationships, smoother transitions, and greater job satisfaction—not to mention avoiding costly missteps.

It means you can email me anytime, with any question, and you receive a prompt response from me. Transitioning into a new role can bring up unexpected challenges, and having direct access to a coach ensures that you’re never stuck figuring things out on your own, whether you’re facing a tricky situation, need clarity on a strategy, or want help applying a concept. Plus, it’s flexible—you don’t have to schedule formal meetings. And because there’s no limit to how much you can ask, you’re not holding back important questions or concerns for fear of “using up” your access.
While it’s great if your manager can join you, you’ll still get tremendous value on your own. The tools you’ll gain will help you align with your manager’s expectations, even if they’re not actively involved.

Books are valuable resources, but they can’t offer immediate feedback or personalized advice to your particular situation. There is also a difference between reading a book and taking action on a book. Quantum Start helps you take action. 

  • The 13-week email series for you, your manager and your team. 
  • Unlimited email support for you and your manager for the duration of the 13 weeks. 

Quantum Start is worth it’s weight in gold.

It’s so tangible, with each week giving you a clear focus point and structure. It explained why super successful senior executives who come in as outside hires often fail. I’ve seen it happen and didn’t know why—now I do. The six-month time window to break-even is realistic; I’ve watched people burn out with unrealistic expectations. 

The sequencing is spot on—e.g. you can’t evaluate your team until you understand the situation and culture, but you also can’t put it off. The team evaluation prompt came at the exact right point.

Everyone talks about ‘culture,’ but what is it really? This guide gave me the tools to actually find out what the culture of a team or organization truly is, not just what they say it is. It provided frameworks to assess culture, making it clear rather than a vague, amorphous term.

Sue’s  Guide provides a clear structure to manage chaos and navigate risky, high-stakes career situations. I will want to do this email series every time I start a new role. It also gave me a clear understanding of how to better support my team, coworkers, and other senior leaders during their onboarding. It helped me understand the phases and stages of their transition, giving me more insight and empathy into their experiences.”


~ Terence Chesire

Vice President, ServiceNow

Sue’s Quantum Start guide has been a terrific resource in my initial months.

I was stepping into a significantly higher level of responsibility, and had a non-stop conveyor belt of tasks. This email series was invaluable. The content really helped me reconnect with my aspirations, reminding me of what I aimed to accomplish in this new position. Without it, I might have deferred things that I shouldn’t—like being strategic and intentional in how I introduced myself.

It was definitely challenging to step back from the firehose—many of my weeks were 100% scheduled during business hours—but the emails were timed to remind me exactly what to focus on strategically each week. Each message was concise, engaging, and actionable.

I also appreciated how Sue incorporated familiar resources from well-known business thinkers, like The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.

The emails not only equipped me with practical tools but also provided a much-needed space for reflection during a very busy time. They helped me consider things like vision and culture, which are critical, but all too easy to overlook in the day-to-day.

I’ll be sending my own new-hires through this program.

If you’re looking for a way to ‘excel’-erate your onboarding, this program is definitely worth it.”

~ Shawn Gavin

Associate Dean for Advancement University of North Caroline, Kenan-Flagler Business School
Program Details