
Downloadable Resources, Guides etc. 

Downloadable & practical tools, worksheets, and self-coaching prompts.

Some of the resources and  guides include:

More being added all the time. 

Yes, many, but not all, of these resources are behind a paywall—so you will need to become a paid subscriber to access them. 

I hope you can understand that these tools represent years of experience, training, and thoughtful development, and are not something I choose to give away.  

As a paid subscriber, you’ll also have access to my monthly “Office Hours” sessions, where you can bring me anything that’s on your mind.

Coaching: The Wind Beneath your Wings

A designed alliance between partners

Awareness. Action. Accountability. 

This is what coaching is all about. 

It’s about moving from where you are, to where you want to be. 

Doing both the “inner” and the “outer” work. 

Starting a New Job?

Achieve Success in the Critical First 90 Days 

Nearly half of all senior outside hires fail within the first 18 months. 

Whether stepping into a leadership position for the first time, or you’re a seasoned executive; whether you are new to the organization, or “inboarding” to a new role in your existing organization, navigating the first 90 days well is critical to your long-term success.

Common Outcomes:

  • Accelerate your time to “net positive”
  • Be strategic, not overwhelmed 
  • Avoid the traps, use the trampolines 

Find Your Way Back to Yourself

A Gentle Path to Healing from Workplace Setbacks

Are you waking up each morning with a pit of dread in your stomach, dreading another day of humiliation, criticism and walking on eggshells at work?

Do you find yourself lying awake at 3 AM, replaying conversations and wondering how you could have stood up for yourself better?

The person you used to be – confident, competent, enthusiastic – might feel like a distant memory, but there is a path forward.

21 Days of Gratitude

No toxic positivity, just a truly tiny daily practice that cultivates well-being…even in challenging/difficult/f-ing awful times

Coaching is based on positive psychology.

Where traditional (or clinical) psychology is primarily focused on diagnosing, treating, and understanding mental illnesses and psychological disorders (and is where most therapy starts); positive psychology is about answering the question: what makes people thrive?

And one of the most robust positive psychology research findings is that gratitude is the foundation on which a flourishing, thriving life is built.

Solving the Problem of Abrasive Leaders

A free webinar series for those who manage, work with, or work for abrasive leaders…
…and who want to know how to stop them from being so abrasive.

Abrasive leaders rub their coworkers the wrong way. Commonly referred to as workplace bullies, their destructive management styles erode motivation, engagement, innovation and productivity.

But getting them to stop being abrasive?

Now that’s the challenge.

To solve the problem of abrasive leaders we need to start by dispelling the myths about them.

And then use abrasive-leader specific strategies.

Feeling Bullied?

The experience of workplace bullying is profoundly disorienting and often deeply traumatic. 

One of the first things you can do is start to learn about the phenonomenon. It is suprisingly helpful.